Part 2
From talking to other people with ME/CFS and Fibro, as well as my own research, I put together a team of alternative practitioners. While none of these individually or collectively, completely healed me, they were able to address specific individual symptoms. Unfortunately, there are no cures for ME/CFS and Fibro and most often, the best we can hope for is to control the symptoms as well as addressing other contributing factors.
My 'team' consisted of the following practitioners:
My Naturopath addressed many issues for me.
She provided me with live blood analyses, which addressed many issues. Some of these issues had been ongoing for most of my life and while they had nothing to do with ME/CFS or Fibro, I was over the top to finally be able to address them. She was the first one who 'got' how severe this problem was (I had been to many Drs. over the years and none of them could help me).
Some ME/CFS symptoms also showed up in the live blood analyses, such as muscle pain, inflammation and dehydration and we were able to effectively address these.
My Homeopath worked in conjunction with my Naturopath and helped address concerns my Naturopath was unable to (and vice versa). She spent several hours with me dealing with individual issues. She made house calls when I was not well enough to go to her and was also available by phone, skype and email (if I had a question in between appointments). These were fabulous services which allowed me to focus the bulk of my energy (what little I had) toward improving my health and not waste it on things like getting to/from appointments, trying to hurry through my issues in the few minutes traditional doctors offer or make my best guess when I had a question between appointments.
She also addressed diet, dehydration and helped with my self-care plan. Actually, I should say devise one, put it into action and then made sure I stuck to it.
Registered Massage Therapist
I addressed this in a previous post so won't go into much detail here. Suffice to say, this helped immensely with my pain and my Costochondritis.
Others who also had ME/CFS and/or Fibro
These folks were invaluable. Most times, they'd experienced the same things I was and were more than willing to help. They'd make suggestions as to what worked and what didn't for them. This saved me a ton of time and gave me a starting point so I could begin researching for myself.
On-line sites
Dr. Sarah Myhill and similar sites were also an immense help. Fortunately, I was directed to her site early on in my illness journey (by fellow ME/CFS sufferers) and was able to implement her suggestions. The earlier one can start these treatments, the better the outcome and this was true for me.
I am thankful for my 'team' and all the progress I have made. Not healed, but much better than I was.
What type of things have you found to work well?
Moving forward to ....
Balance ..... Despite the Chaos!