Kids to look after, extra curricular events to get to, school events and homework, demanding jobs, sick family members to tend to, pets to look after, vehicles to service, houses to clean and maintain, grocery shopping, doctor's appointments, bills to pay, illness.....the list goes on and on.
Let's face it, life is busy and gets busier all the time. We're expected to do more with less and pick up the slack in doing so. We do our best to keep up, but it feels the more we complete on our to-do list, the more there is left to do. This fast and frenzied pace is the norm any more but we must stop and consider, we do this at what cost?
Something or someone (or both!) will eventually bear the brunt of this non stop, whirlwind pace and pay the price. This price can come in many forms but when it's time to pay the piper, the price is high. I know this all too well and unfortunately, learned the hard way.
When I see or hear these people, I immediately want to call out to them:,
"Slow Down!"
"Take a Break!"
"Don't sweat the small stuff!"
"Breathe!....don't forget to breathe!!!"
.... a number of things come to mind. I want to warn them, to save them from traveling down the same road I did. In the beginning, I did try to warn folks but the only thing that accomplished was them looking at me like I had three heads.
Oh dear.
Not the reaction I wanted.
So now, I politely mention to these people to not forget about themselves. I remind them they're important too and if they get sick, nothing will get done. Their to-do list will get longer by the day.
However, for the most part I politely smile, bite my tongue and secretly cringe as I remind myself of these facts. I need to keep striving myself, to keep....
Balance.....despite the Chaos