As I mentioned in my previous post,
I've found a new practitioner. Many
things about these Doctors caught
my interest which ultimately
convinced me to give them a try.
For instance:
- They classify themselves as holistic chiropractors
- Their thoughts on diet line up perfectly with my current diet which is working very well for me
- They had a bit of a rough journey with their own health so am hoping this translates into understanding of ME
I am a bit concerned with their stance on exercise, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I eagerly returned to their office, to obtain the results from my scans. This appointment wasn't quite as long as the intake one, but still very thorough.
As expected, things were a mess. It was actually refreshing to see on paper, how I feel. This may not be huge for many, but with ME, having something show up on a test is a reason to celebrate. Many parts of my autonomic nervous system were out of whack. My spine was extremely out of alignment.
So there you have it folks. Lots of work ahead of me but I am excited to see if it brings any improvement to my symptoms!!
As Always ..
Balance......Despite the Chaos!